Showcasing sustainability in research careers with the European University Association – January 2020

In January, Dr. Gábor Kismihók, on behalf of the MCAA and TIB, presented at the European University Association – Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) workshop on Academic Career Development at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia. Dr. Kismihók introduced the OEduverse Project and shared the findings of a recently published joint paper by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Alumni Association and Eurodoc, “Declaration on Sustainable Researcher Careers” . The attendees of the session and Dr. Kismihók discussed the structural challenges for developing sustainable careers how to overcome them.

The presentation touched on what different stakeholders can do to create sustainable career prospects for researchers; highlighting the need for long-term, predictable and sustainable sources of funding and the early involvement of potential, non-academic employers. Dr. Kismihók also shared with attendees what career services can do for students in the early phases of their doctoral programs in terms of career guidance and articulating individual skills sets.

As an introduction to the OEduverse Project to the attendees, Dr. Kismihók stressed the importance of transferable skills among academics, which are increasingly crucial for the employability of researchers. In this day and age, researchers must have the ability to effectively communicate their research to non-academic audiences as well as manage their research alongside other responsibilities that are required of an ambitious researcher.

One such responsibility is being active in the research community and to share knowledge and findings within academic and non-academic networks. However, the recently published paper by the MCAA and Eurodoc found that researchers, particularly non-EU researchers based within the EU, face challenges in building and developing their professional network. The solution brought forward is to support bridging cultural differences and change organizational systems to be more supportive. These topics a others will be addressed during the OEduverse summer schools. To learn more, sign up for updates here!

To view the presentation that Dr. Kismihók delivered, please follow this link.

OEduverse Kick-Off Meeting – December 2019

On December 10th, the entire OEduverse consortium: The Technische Informationsbibliothek (DE), SciLink Foundation (NL), Space (NL), Trinity College (IE), the University of Siegen (DE), EuroDoc (BE), and the Marie Curie Alumni Association met in Siegen, Germany at the University of Siegen to kick-off the three-year long project. The day was spent aligning on the OEduverse goals, setting the timeline, dissemination and promotion of the OEduverse project, and identifying how the consortium wants to make an impact.

Members from the participating consortium partners

Key outcomes of the meeting were further development of the OEduverse goals and identifying where the most important impact can be made throughout the OEduverse project. The consortium partners put increasing the mental wellbeing and learner productivity as the top priority for the project. Secondly, the consortium aims to leverage the project as a means to foster dialogue across hierarchical structures within institutions in the hopes that graduate students will feel more confident discussing the barriers they face in their researcher journey. It is the intention of the consortium to make a strong impact on learners – equipping them with skills and confidence to be successful researchers in the 21st century. The Kick-Off meeting ended with the partners feeling energized and ready to make a true impact in the learning journey of Europe’s young research community.